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STEAM Night Registration starts TODAY

Maemae Elementary

Dear Maʻemaʻe Ohana,

This year’s STEAM Night will be held virtually on Thursday, March 25th. Our teachers will be presenting a wide variety of activities for our students through Zoom in two sessions. We’ve created a short video with general information about how our virtual event will work this year, including sign-up. To view that video, please click HERE.

Each student can sign up for 2 sessions for that night, and space is limited in each session. All sign-ups will be online via the link at the end of this email. Sign-ups will be open from February 17 - 24. No late registrations will be accepted. Since each student can sign up for only 2 sessions, we will make instructional videos available for you after STEAM Night is over.

For families with multiple children, if you wish to do the same activities as a whole family, you don’t need to register every child. Please register just one child, and the form will have a space for you to enter names of your other children. By doing this, you help to keep spots open for other families.

A description of all the activities offered is available on our school website through THIS LINK. Most activities will use supplies that you likely already have at home. For the specialized supplies, we will distribute them through class for our face-to-face students. Distance learning students will be able to pick up their supplies on 3/19, 9:00-10:30am at the bus shelter in the front of the office building. Schedules will be sent home with students at the same time as their supplies.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office at 595-5400 and ask for Lisa, or email us at

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