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Season of Giving, December 1-16

Maemae Elementary

Dear Ma‘ema‘e ‘Ohana:

The Student Council is excited to launch the “Season of Giving”, starting with our annual partnership with the Laulima Giving Program.

We are collecting donations of new, unwrapped toys and/or new toiletry items (essentials such as toothpaste, shampoo, lotion, paper goods, etc.) which will be given to needy families in the community.

This donation drive runs from December 1 through 16.

For Face-to-Face students who have started to return to campus, please send the items to school with your child to keep in the classroom.

For Distance Learners and F2F students who have not yet returned to campus, you may drop off your items at a special drive-through drop off on Wednesday, Dec. 16 from 8:30 to 11:30am by the bus shelter in the front of the school. (If you cannot make the drive-through drop off, we’ll have a box in the office where you may drop off your donation from Dec. 13 to Dec. 16 during regular office hours from 7am to 4pm)

To get a little head start on your Laulima giving, you are invited to go to Windward Mall this Saturday, Dec. 5 from 10am to 3pm. You can drop off a gift or make a donation at the Center Court. The first 500 donors will receive a free gingerbread kit from Safeway! Go early so they don’t run out.

More than ever, there is no better time to give and spread our aloha and kindness to people in our local community.

Thank you for your support!

Please contact the Counselors if you have any questions.

Lauren Nomura (595-5400x227)

Matt Nakamura (595-5400 x228)

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