Welcome back to a new school year starting Monday, 8/5! If you were unable to join us at Open House, here is a video that was shared with lots of helpful information.
Parking stalls marked “STAFF” are reserved for school personnel. The Big Field will be open for parking August 5-15 from 7:30-8:00 a.m. and 15 minutes before dismissal.
There is no morning supervision for students unless they are enrolled in the YMCA Before School Program.
Breakfast is served 7:15-7:50 am. Meals are for Maʻemaʻe students only.
During the first two weeks of school, parents may park on the Big Field (7:30-8 am) and walk their child to the classroom. If parents choose to escort their child after the first two weeks, they must find parking off-campus.
During the first week, teachers will walk students to the suggested pick-up locations UNLESS other arrangements are made by the parent. Please communicate any special arrangement to your child’s teacher.
Please display the blue nameplate given to you at Open House on your dashboard to expedite pick-up. Families may create their own should they need additional nameplates.
Suggested Pick-Up locations:
Kindergarten: Bus shelter
Grade 1: Left side of Maʻemaʻe Lane
Grade 2 & 3: Right side of Maʻemaʻe Lane
Grade 4: Near handicap stalls
Grade 5: Diamond Head side of bus shelter
Families with multiple children option: Older child(ren) should walk to the youngest child’s location.
Please be sure that your child is picked-up within 15 minutes of their dismissal time unless they are enrolled in an after school program.
All Kindergarteners and any NEW students will receive one FREE yellow cotton school shirt on or around picture taking day. Checkout our PTSA’s Shopify online store to purchase additional shirts or other Maʻemaʻe gear. Yellow school shirts must be worn on field trips.
Please see attached list of afterschool programs.
Mask wearing is optional.
“Stay home when sick”. Students and staff are reminded to stay home if experiencing symptoms of a respiratory virus until fever-free for 24 hours after the fever ends (without fever-reducing medication) and your symptoms are improving.