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PTSA presents: The Best of Maemae 2021!

Maemae Elementary

Dear Ma'ema'e Parents,

The Ma'ema'e PTSA is proud to present to you our very first The Best of Ma`ema`e 2021! It will be a day of fun-filled fitness activities and a Family Virtual Game Night on Friday, May 21st. The Best of Ma'ema'e 2021 will include the Dolphin Dash fundraiser where kids gather donations for walking or running as many times as they can around the school campus. Donation envelopes will be sent home today with Face-to-Face students. Distance learners will receive their donation envelope and report card by mail later this week. The Best of Maemae 2021 Flyer.pdf which will be included in your donation envelope explains how it works.

All funds raised will go to programs, services, and events that benefit our students, faculty, and staff. Simply do the following to qualify for awesome prizes: 1. Collect your donations 2. Complete Pledge Sheet.pdf & Dolphin Dash Challenge.pdf (included in your donation envelope) 3. Submit your completed Dolphin Dash Challenge and Pledge Sheet with cash/check/Shopify Order Number in your donation envelope to your teacher OR the office drop box by Friday, April 23 to qualify for prizes!

Donations will be accepted online via Shopify at and (please indicate student’s name and room number). Top 5 classes with the highest participation will receive a pizza party! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at Thank you for your support!

Thank you, Bonny Fang PTSA Ways and Means Chair

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