Aloha Families!
Hope that you have all adjusted to this year and are looking forward to the upcoming changes with students returning to campus. I hope that you all got your new yellow cotton shirt that the school provided for every student. The PTSA has created a way to order the NEW shirts through Shopify using this website: . To ease distribution, we are asking parents of those in Kindergarten or children that are on campus order first. As the school opens up then the other grades may place their orders through Shopify once they return to campus. Please allow 2-3 weeks for orders to be filled. We will send shirts home with your child. The PTSA did not order many adult sized shirts, if we have high demand then we will place another order which may put a delay on the adult orders. For Distance Learning families or other families that are not on campus yet, you may purchase your shirts at the Ma'ema'e office, Monday-Friday 7am-4pm. Cash only for in-person purchases please. Cost per shirt: Cotton $8 ($11 for 2XL & 3XL) Dri-fit $12 ($15 for 2XL & 3XL) Please note: We sent home Fall Donation envelopes during the Fall Break packet pick up. Since most students are not on campus, you also have the option of donating online at Shopify using the same website above. Thank you all for your support this year and hope to see you all soon, Terri Miller PTSA T-shirt Chairperson