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Phase 8 Continues & Wellness Check reminder

Maemae Elementary

Ma’ema’e will remain in Phase 8 for the week of February 22-26.

Reminder: Please inform the school should your child or anyone in your household have any COVID-like symptoms, exposure to a COVID case, or is in the process of receiving a COVID test. Your child should stay home if any of these situations apply. We need your help to keep our school healthy and safe. Please review the Return to School/Work Criteria and the Daily Wellness Check at Home guide here.

When a student is absent due to COVID-19-like symptoms of illness, a doctor's clearance is required to return to school. If a student does not have an appropriate clearance, they will be sent home. These guidelines are in the DOE Return to Learn: School Reopening Plan which was last updated 2/12/21.

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