Maemae Elementary School has been approved to use the Face-to-Face Learning Model. All classrooms, the cafeteria, and the library will be at a physical distance of 4-5 feet or more separation between student seats. We will be following these precautionary measures.
We will maintain the School/Ohana Bubble - Interaction between students will be limited to those within their classroom /grade level (lunch & recess).
Face masks will be required for everyone on campus at all times unless authorized by an administrator, teacher, or staff member to remove.
Face shields will be provided to everyone on campus for use in appropriate situations.
The PTSA has donated one cloth mask and one face shield for each student.
Bell schedule will be modified/staggered to decrease students in designated areas (recess, lunch, and after school pick up)
No volunteers on campus unless approved by an administrator
No parents on campus for an extended period of time (morning and afternoon), other than PreK and Kindergarten.
No parents allowed in the classroom unless authorized by an administrator
Separate designated play areas for the students
Regular and frequent sanitizing of classrooms, eating, and play areas
Families choosing to allow their child to use hand sanitizer are responsible to provide for and teach their child how to properly use hand sanitizer. The school is not allowed to provide for students for safety reasons. Hand sanitizers will be provided in the classroom for adult use only.
Temperature checks for students before entering the classroom and for all visitors coming to the office.
Plexi guards - all teachers will receive 1 portable plexiglass sneeze guard
At this time, we are waiting for further direction from the Department of Education and the Board of Education as these decisions affect the operations at our school. The date of class lists and supply drop off is yet to be determined and will be communicated with you shortly.
Should you decide to enroll your child in the Distance Learning option, today, July 24th, is the last day to register. Register here .
Please understand that there are many changes and new information that we are learning about. Based on yesterday’s, July 23rd Board of Education meeting, more changes may be coming in regards to a possible new starting date of school. We will continue to communicate the information to you as things develop. Thank you for your patience.