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F2F Packet Pick Up Wednesday, 10/28

Maemae Elementary

On Wednesday, October 28th, we will have a drive thru packet pick-up at the bus shelter for Face-to-Face students in Grades 1-5. Please be sure to wear a mask and display your blue name card on your dashboard. If you don’t have the blue name card that was issued, please have something else that clearly displays your child’s name and room number so we can quickly identify you and your child as you arrive.

The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, October 28

(2nd Quarter Face-to-Face Students)

A - D


E - J


K - Le


Li - M


N - S


T - Z


Please note: Face-to-Face students in Kindergarten are scheduled to return to campus next week. An email with detailed reminders will be sent tomorrow. Thank you.

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