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Family Night 2022

Maemae Elementary

At this time, we have decided to limit Family Night attendance to only Maʻemaʻe ʻOhana (students and their households). You must pre-register for Family Night using the Anime Family Night 2022 Pre-registration Form. We will be closing off our campus and having security check-in points. Families will be given wristbands for entry. Please complete the Pre-registration form to help with the planning. This will help us to expedite process and cut down on entry lines, leaving more time for all of us to enjoy our first Family Night after a 2 year break.

Family Night can only be successful with the help of volunteers, please consider volunteering for a shift (or 2)! To view volunteer opportunities and to sign up, go to our Volunteer page. We'd also like to ask for your assistance with signing up to donate some supplies needed to make this event a success. We will be coordinating the supplies donation drop-off during the morning drop-off at the (bus shelter or 2nd/3rd grade areas) on Friday, April 22nd as well as at our General Membership Meeting/ PTSA Movie Night on Friday, April 22nd, 4:30-7:30pm. To view the supplies needed, please go to our Supplies Donation Page. We are going to have PRE-SALE scrip sales through Shopify until April 15th. Scrips will be used to play the exciting games at Family Night along with purchasing drinks, cotton candy and delicious popcorn. Please order scrip early so that you do not have to wait in the scrip booth lines!!! We will also have different food options where you can use cash or credit card. Please click on the Maʻemaʻe Shopify link to order at: Shopify Pre-sale Scrip

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