We will be extending the opportunity to decide which program you want your child to be enrolled in for the 2nd quarter to Monday, September 21, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. With the latest announcements by Governor Ige, the Hawaii State Department of Health, and Superintendent Kishimoto, Maʻemaʻe Elementary will be continuing to move forward with our Model A (Face-to-Face) plan of having students return face-to-face.
Face-to-face for the second quarter will involve a gradual return of students to campus. The goal is to have no more than 50% of our student population (approximately 335 students as of today) on campus at any given time. Although we are currently working on the details of the return plan, including determining when each student will return to campus, we hope this information will help you make your decision.
The Model A (Face-to-Face) guidelines and approvals that were explained in our opening of the school year emails and our revised Reopening Plan will be in effect, other than the before and after school programs availability. There will be no before and after school programs (including A-Plus child care) being offered on campus at this time. Please do not contact the school for details of the return to our Model A (Face-to-Face) plan at this time as we are working on it and submitting it for approval. We will send out more updates and information as it becomes available.
If you have already submitted a registration and would like to revise it, please complete the form (links below) again and we will use the most recent choice as your child’s educational program for the 2nd quarter. You may again choose between Distance Learning (Acellus) or our Model A (Face-to-Face) for the 2nd Quarter. This option is being made available due to the current information shared in the last two days.
If you return to our Model A (Face-to-Face) and for some reason need to change to Distance Learning (Acellus) during the 2nd quarter, this change will be in effect for the remainder of the school year. An option to choose between the two programs for the 2nd semester will be offered in December for those who remain in the program they have selected for the entire 2nd quarter. For these families, the program you choose for the second semester, will be for the remainder of the school year. Superintendent’s recommendation is to make that decision at this time, but we feel it is important to allow parents to make that decision during the 2nd quarter or at mid-year.
We are offering a few different choices and actions required are below. If you do not respond by 9/21/2020, 11:59 p.m., your child will remain in the program he/she is currently enrolled. Those who have already submitted a response in our registration link may resubmit a new response, and your most recent response (based on the date/time stamp in the system) will be used to determine what is your final choice.
In the best interest of your child, we understand that the decision you will make in selecting a program must be done judiciously and thoughtfully, and that such a decision has a significant impact on each of your child's learning experience. Please choose carefully, as you will be committing your child to staying in that selected program. Please remember that students who go from Distance Learning to Face to Face, may not return back to Distance Learning.
Current Program
Desired program for 2nd Quarter
Action Required by 9/21/20, 11:59 p.m.
Face to Face Instruction
Face to Face Instruction
No action required
Face to Face Instruction
Distance Learning (Acellus)
Register Online
Distance Learning (Acellus)
Face to Face Instruction
Register Online
Distance Learning (Acellus)
Distance Learning (Acellus)
Confirm Online
Please understand that Distance Learning instruction will be delivered primarily by Acellus and supplemented with school level instruction in PE, CTE, and Library every other week.
For current and new Distance Learning registrants, a formal agreement will be emailed to the first parent email submitted in this form, which includes the policies, terms and conditions of the online learning program. Students will be considered enrolled in the program once they have registered for the class through the registration link. The form must be signed and submitted back electronically to the school to acknowledge that you received the information and the terms of being in the Distance Learning program. If you do not submit the Distance Learning Opt-In form, the school will be contacting you to follow up. The forms must be e-signed by 9/23/20. Those who opt for Distance Learning (Acellus) must stay in that program for the entire 2nd Quarter (Oct. 12 to Dec. 18) regardless of any change in future mandates by the Governor.