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Changes for the week of March 22

Maemae Elementary

Ma'ema'e will be bringing back 100% of the Face-to-Face students on campus. For the week of March 22 all grades will come to school Monday through Thursday (Friday is the Kuhio Day Holiday).

With more students expected on campus, we have updated our Maemae Reopening Plan rev 3-4-21.pdf . Please review. Key points are:

1. No one will be allowed on campus before 7:30am to give the faculty and staff more time to prepare a safe campus.

2. Breakfast service is 7:30-7:50am.

3. Pick up times have been updated to help ease traffic as we bring back more students:

-Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:

  • Grade 3-5 pick up is 1:55-2:05pm

  • PreK-Grade 2 pick up is 2:10-2:15pm


  • Grade 3-5 pick up is 12:25-12:35pm

  • PreK-Grade 2 pick up is 12:40-12:45pm

4. PTSA face shields that were provided to each student will be required to be worn upon request from any school personnel.

Families who will have traveled over the break, please follow the latest Hawaii State Safe Travel Guidelines. Please inform your teachers of your travel and return plans. You will be required to show documentation of your safe return. We continue to be diligent about health and safety on our campus, so please let us know. If you are unsure of your situation, call the main office at 595-5400.

Reminder: Please inform the school should your child or anyone in your household have any COVID-like symptoms, exposure to a COVID case, or is in the process of receiving a COVID test. Your child should stay home if any of these situations apply. We need your help to keep our school healthy and safe, please review the Return to School/Work Criteria and the Daily Wellness Check at Home guide here.

When a student is absent due to COVID-19-like symptoms of illness, a doctor's clearance is required to return to school. If a student does not have an appropriate clearance, they will be sent home. These guidelines are in the DOE Return to Learn: School Reopening Plan which was last updated 3/5/21.

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