Aloha Maʻemaʻe Families,
We are just two weeks away from our Candyland Family Night Event, Friday, May 5, from 2:30-7:30pm.
The success of our Family Night relies entirely both on the generosity of donations and time volunteering from our families.
COUNTRY STORE: We are still looking for donations for our Country Store. In particular we could use plants, produce, jams/jellies and pre-packaged candies and snacks. With this year's Candyland theme we'd especially appreciate donations of fun candy and sweets that could easily be purchased from Sam's Club or Costco.
SILENT AUCTION: We are also still looking for donations to our Silent Auction. We have received some great items such as hotel stays, adult beverages, gift cards for various local venues, jewelry, bouncer rentals, and we look forward to seeing what else our generous families will be turning in.
All donations earn a class point and the two classes with the highest number of points will be treated to a pizza and movie celebration at the end of the school year! Donations can be dropped off at the office by 5/2 or you can contact Stacy Miyashiro at or 224-1279 for Country Store and Clifton Yasutomi at for Silent Auction. Wondering how your child's classroom is doing in the contest? Checkout the Classroom Participation Contest standings at
BAKE SHOP: We are excited to try all of your yummy homemade goodies! Everyone who donates baked goods will be eligible to win a prize! A lucky winner will be announced live during Family Night via the Entertainment Tent. If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Mabellos at
VOLUNTEERS: Please help make this event a success by volunteering for a shift or two. We only have about 25% of our volunteer shifts filled. If you know of anyone who'd like to help, please send them our Volunteer link as we really need to get our shifts filled. Please sign up via our Volunteer Sign Up Page. If you have any questions, please contact Kristin Akaka at
SUPPLIES DONATION: Thank you for such a successful drop off day on April 21st! We have about 85% of our supplies donations filled. Please go to our Supplies Donation Page to see what items we still need your help with. Please bring donations to the office by May 2nd.
EVENT MAP: Please take a look to see where everything will be located and what you folks would like to eat!
PARKING: Available at the locations below, 2-7:30pm. Shuttle to Maʻemaʻe campus will run 2:30-7:30pm.
Tenri Cultural Center 2236 Nuuanu Ave.
Community Church of Honolulu 2345 Nuuanu Ave.
Honolulu Central 7th Day Adventist 2313 Nuuanu Ave.
Thank you,
Ma'ema'e Family Night Committee