Maʻemaʻe is moving to Phase 5 (All Kindergarten + All Grade 1 + Grade 2 & 5 on an A/B rotation) for the week of November 30th.

Dismissal time is 2:05pm for Grade 5.
Dismissal time is 2:15pm for Kindergarten – Gr 2.
Please be aware that the flow of traffic may change as more students return to campus and we work to have our afternoon pick-up run safely and efficiently. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Please review our Welcome Back Video to familiarize yourself and your children of our school's procedures and safety measures detailed in our Maemae Reopening Plan rev 9-18-20.pdf .
Note: Revisions have been made in the "Drop Off" section on page 7 of our plan. Drop offs shall NOT occur before 7:40am, unless purchasing breakfast at the cafeteria.