Summer School
Maʻemaʻe Elementary School will be offering an in-person Summer School program from June 12– July 12, 2024. This FREE Federally funded program is available to current Maʻemaʻe students in Kindergarten through Grade 4. Registration is limited and will begin Tuesday, April 2nd. Additional information and a registration link will be emailed to all Grade K-4 families on Tuesday, April 2nd at 11:00 a.m. Summer School acceptance is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Optional programs will be provided by the Maʻemaʻe PTSA for those accepted into Summer School at an additional cost:
Optional Programs
Early Morning Care (6:30am – 8:00am) - $75
Enrichment Activities (12:00pm– 3:30pm) - $250
Extended Afternoon Care (3:30pm – 5:30pm) - $125
Please note that the registration process is slightly different than in past years, in an effort to streamline the process for everyone.
Should you have any questions, please email lisa.kumashiro@k12.hi.us or call (808)595-5400 x230 Thank you!
What if I registered for summer school only but would now like to register for the Extended Day Program(s)?
You need to re-register your child, which will trigger the form and payments required.
When will I know if my child is accepted?
An email will be sent no later than April 15th, whether a child is accepted or denied. If denied, a refund will be processed.
What if I would like to withdraw my child entirely?
Please email Lisa Kumashiro at lisa.kumashiro@k12.hi.us to indicate that you wish to withdraw your child(ren).
My child is already registered for extended day programs and I want to add additional extended day programs.
Please email Lisa Kumashiro at lisa.kumashiro@k12.hi.us to indicate what program(s) you wish to add on. An invoice will be sent via email to the parent listed in the registration form. Confirmations will be sent no later than April 15th.
What if I want to remove extended day programs?
Please email Lisa Kumashiro at lisa.kumashiro@k12.hi.us to indicate which program(s) you wish to withdraw from.
If I have multiple children at the school, how do I register them?
You need to register each child separately.